
时间:2024-07-28 05:51:34编辑:笔记君


联网竞技很简单,你有DOTA那张地图,就跟魔兽里面别的地图一样,没有去网上下载一张,放MAP文件夹里面就行了,别的操作就和用别的地图大对战一样了,先进入一个战网,审核HF VS什么的,自己下一个,然后在里面找到DOTA这个游戏,先一个房间进入,启动游戏(从战网启动,有个按键,点下就行),进入之后就会看到主机,加入,游戏就行了。你也可以自己建立主机。至于里面的操作,技能,打法什么的就不说了,你去玩玩这张地图就明白了。
这张地图是有很多版本的,现在好像已经到了6.72F了吧,我既不清了。你要是想和电脑先打打事实,就需要选择一张AI 图,例如6.64B AI,地图名字后面带AI的,才能加电脑玩,进入游戏之后,打上-apneng 命令 AP是所有英雄都可选 只有这样,点菜才能自动线英雄,毕竟不是人,没有智商的。NE和NG是正常经验和正常金钱,你不输也行,单AP必须有,要不电脑不选英雄,剩下的你去试试就行了


1. 买鹰角弓

VIP:=,=#...... 2. 很黄很暴力的TB

3. 进一主机,人满,读秒,开始...主机"-ap -ne",众人绝倒...

4. 一众神出了跳刀..问他干什么...他说...操..放大啊..

5. 游戏如火如荼..突然有人问:神符哪里买呀?

6. 夜晚时分,一人马被敌人围杀,情急之下跑到一野点,并让盟友痛苦之源对他放了一个“噩梦”......

7. 一火枪开局买一小鸡,并共享,我看了心里说:"恩不错."一会想用小鸡,望水泉一看,没见..,可能有人用吧.==,过两分钟,还没找到,随便往火枪身上一点 吓一跳:小鸡在他身上......

8. 一宙斯惊人语录:等我出了黑黄,化身山丘之王,你们就输了!哇哈哈!

9. 我有个VS,一直游走杀人,有队友骂到:"你个XX复仇,还不打钱,你TMD走来走去干吗呀?"

10. "我憋辉耀呢" 50分钟飘过........

11. "骷髅王你个XX,团站从来不放大."

12. 巨魔:不要上去小心末日吃了你

13. 我方tb,6极满血,看见一红血6级死法,冲上去!换血之...然后被大秒之...说了句:你啥变态技能?把我秒了你还满血了。死法大惊曰:我......!

14. 30分钟,我方白牛突然说:靠 山顶巨人有200多攻击,还打个屁呀...遂退。

15. -swap 7 .....

16.火枪中单至8后叫换人,他去上路GANK,上路PA6级,他躲在树林里问句: 幻刺有大没?

17.一次HF娱乐,40分钟,我们无限劣势,眼看要输,我们方火枪说:"别怕,我有秘籍.."然后屏幕上出现一行字:"whosyourdaddy". 我们同时打出"................."


【 #英语资源# 导语】《汤姆叔叔的小屋》以及受其启发而写作出的各种剧本,还促进了大量黑人刻板印象的产生,这些形象在当今都为人们所熟知。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》英文读后感,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】《汤姆叔叔的小屋》英文读后感   Some time ago, I read a person's fame Khvostov of as "Uncle Tom's cabin." Integrity, good-natured, religious Uncle Tom; prudent, smart, studious Mestizo slave George; inexcusable ruthless slave traders Hailey; destroys human nature, conscience ruined the alegre; a sense of justice, but drift, such as the St. Clair lifelike characters left me a deep impression on him. What made me the most unforgettable is the smart and lively but wild full, and later transferred teach self-esteem a slave girlTOM love.   TOM blacks had the most black, a pair of round bright eyes as sparkling glass beads, like, look a bit strange face is a shrewd and crafty Kyrgyzstan wonderful combinations, like a goblin-like. She loves to steal, stealing after lie, put an innocent expression; her misbehavior, all making her revenge, hoaxes; she would take advantage of the master out, crazy couple of hours to make his home mess. Her owner exhausted all ways to punish her, education, she tried to change her bad habits, but to no avail, this is only because there is no love!   Think about it! This was lovely child, born into slavery, she belonged to them all the only masters of the so-called masters of her fate. Her childhood on his master's scolding to grow up, so she formed the habit of lying, bad habit of stealing things, and that she was beautiful, tarnished the purity of heart. In this there is no dignity, experiencing being separated from being whipped all day circumstances, how can we have a noble moral character and firm in faith? Only pure, beautiful, selfless love can save her soul! When the angelic Eva to her love of her time,TOM eyes cast the tears that her heart has been ray of sunshine of love. Sure enough, after the changeTOM Well, her efforts to care for others. This is the punishment, not preaching Forever effect, full of love beyond all words! This is the power of love!   In our lives, there are many like TOM as children. Their bad behavior, there is no love, will not listen to reason, then do not hate him, to understand with love, tolerance, stripped away a layer of green shoots yellow things, with love to the hearts of probation numb. We should always remember; the power of love is enormous, and the supreme! "Uncle Tom's cabin" This masterpiece has been published in 150 years, it has been able to make today is still deeply moved by readers, but also because the author in the book preached brotherhood and humanity in the disappearance of slavery today has been the eternal pursuit of mankind. 【篇二】《汤姆叔叔的小屋》英文读后感   These days I've just finished the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin that left a really deep impression on me and we can see.   It is a book written in 1852 in response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, Uncle Tom's Cabin has been considered as the most influential anti-slavery novel in that period and described by Stowe herself as a “series of sketches” describing the human cruelty of slavery, opens with a descr iption of Arthur Shelby's Kentucky plantation during the antebellum period.   There are several impressive characters in this novel, George who is clever and brave;Harry, a beautiful and talented child who sings dances and mimes;Mrs. Shelby, a very religious woman;Sambo and Qimbo and so on. The major character Uncle Tom who was the most impressive in this novel was a devout Christian. He endured the miserable fate bravely and aroused the white's sympathy for slaves with his Christ's sacrifice and the tolerance of returning good for evil. This novel focuses on the distinctive personalities of Uncle Tom deeply influenced by Christianity and the important role Uncle Tom's Cabin playing on abolition; and the Significance of “Uncle Tom” to the harmonious world's development, and the effect on modern people.   In the book, at the beginning, the author presents us a very beautiful image of a rather harmonious family who live a happy life. However, that beautiful image couldn't last long, the darkness came soon. The master of this happy family, Uncle Tom was arranged into a difficult situation. As Shelby, the not cruel master, he has incurred serious debts- prompting him sell some slaves to avoid financial ruin, so Uncle Tom, Shelby's loyal servant since childhood was sold to Mr. Haley, the slave trader. Uncle Tom remained loyal to his master, despite his betrayal and the risk of death at the cruel hands of a new master. The slaves at the plantation were very mournful, but Tom remained placid and tried to read his Bible for comfort. On the steamboat to New Orleans, where Tom was to be sold, Tom befriended an angelic little girl, “Little Eva” St. Clare. Uncle Tom saved the five-year-old beauty from drowning, and she convinced her father to buy Tom for her own family. In her family, Tom enjoyed his life because of the girl's love; Tom's contentment does not last, however, because Eva soon falls ill. Dying, Eva asked Mr. St. Clare to free Tom after her death. But Mr. St. Clare is so sad by her death that he never legally freed Tom before he himself was killed trying to mediate a barroom scuffle. Mrs. St. Clare sold the slaves to settle her husband's debts and Tom was sold to Simon Legree who was so violent that beat his slaves brutally. At last, when Mr. Shelby, finally found Uncle Tom, he was almost died. After Tom was dead and buried, Shelby went back and freed his slaves.   As we all can see that Uncle Tom's Cabin was an anti-slavery novel and it was even considered as one factor that caused the Civil War. In the novel, the slaves were sold from one place to another frequently, and their fate was tragic, with no exception- just like Uncle Tom, no matter he was under the control of kind masters or evil masters, he can't escape the misfortune of being sold from one master to another. We can't see any human right of them, so terrible.   As someone said, with more people realizing the inhumanity of slavery in the 19th century, slavery became one of the most important issues and it became more violent year by year in American society. However, slavery was not abolished irrevocably until ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, following the Civil War. After the passage of Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this novel Uncle Tom's Cabin which publicized the evil of slavery to a wide audience.   Now we are in the 21st century, we may never come across such kind of thing. However, this book can always remind of us that there ever has existed this evil and we can't let it happen again. And “equality” 、“human right ” can't just be a slogan, we should make it come true really and always. 【篇三】《汤姆叔叔的小屋》英文读后感   Joy depicts the crisis of faith that overcomes Rabbi Banish of Komarov, who, having buried his four sons and two daughters. Only through the mercy of the God he has denied, manifest in a radiant vision of the dead Rebecca, his beloved youngest daughter, is the rabbi’s belief restored. The sense of wonder and the touch of heavenly joy that linger after the vision dissolves convince Rabbi Banish of the folly of judging God’s actions by human standards. The rabbi has interpreted the apparent tragedy of his children’s premature deaths as evidence of God’s alienation, forgetting that God is by definition inscrutable. That God’s purpose transcends man’s ability to comprehend it is made clear to the expiring rabbi when the family dead approach his deathbed with arms outstretched to enfold him among them. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven to which a loving God has called them; and their deaths have evidenced not God’s wrath but his grace.   A version of Rabbi Banish’s deathbed revelation appears to Rabbi Nechemia in Something Is There. At twenty-seven he is already racked by the doubts that torment Rabbi Banish. So shaken is his belief in God that he deserts his rabbinical post in provincial Bechev for the flesh-posts of Warsaw. Although the prostitutes, unclean food, and shady business dealings which he witnesses there hold no attraction for the erstwhile rabbi, they intensify his revulsion from the world created by God and therefore his alienation from God himself. Unlike Rabbi Bainish, whose intimations of immortality and consequent rededication to God precede his radiant deathbed vision, Rabbi Nechemia cannot allay his doubts until the very moment of death, when a light he never knew was there flickered in hid brain.   While his dying words—something is there—resolve his crisis of faith, they come too late to affect the spiritual renewal attained by Rabbi Banish. No explicit promise of immortality, let along of salvation, attends Rabbi Nechemia’s vision. Perhaps grace is accorded Rabbi Banish because his doubt is triggered by devastating personal losses, and withheld from Rabbi Nechemia because his despair is the bitter fruit of idle speculation about the unknown. Whatever the reason, relatively few of Singer’s characters are granted at the moment of death the transcendent vision of unity between man and God that appears to Rabbi Banish in Joy. For the fortunate few, release from time into eternity is affected by a divine visitation which obliterates distinctions between past and present, living and dead.   These kinds of characters are lost in their world because of the seducement of the material world. They doubt their formal faith and gradually give up what they believed. But after they have experienced so much hardship, they realize that they cannot adapt to the life of the outer world so they regress to the former life with formal faith. They realize the importance of God and they begin to think seriously about the relationship between man and God. At last they find their right way of their life.


读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》后有感1   《汤姆叔叔的小屋》既描写了不同性格和表现的黑奴,也描写了不同类型的奴隶主的嘴脸,读汤姆叔叔的小屋的读后感。这本书通过对汤姆和乔治哈里斯夫妇这两种不同性格的描述,告诉读者:逆来顺受、听从奴隶主摆布的汤姆难逃死亡的命运;而敢于反抗敢于斗争的乔治夫妇得到了新生。这部小说,在启发民众反对农奴制的情绪上起了非常重要的作用,被视为美国内战的起因之一。   读完这本书,我在同情汤姆叔叔的悲惨遭遇、痛恨罪恶的奴隶制社会的同时,很庆幸自己生活在一个没有等级制度、人人平等的社会主义国家里。在这里,无论谁都不能买卖人口。但也有一些“人贩子”,置法律于不顾,私自拐卖l妇女儿童,读后感《读汤姆叔叔的小屋的读后感》。   有一次,我在电视上看到一些孩子被卖到“黑”煤矿,每天只能吃白开水煮烂菜叶,睡四面透风的大通铺,却要干和他们年龄不符的很重的活。少有反抗,就会被“狗腿子”鞭打,过着非人的生活。这些孩子的家长在丢失孩子后,不是精神失常,就是变卖自己所有的家产到处寻找孩子。这正是“拐卖一个人,毁掉一个家”。   看到这一幕,我嫉恶如仇,恨不得冲进电视里揪住人贩子和“黑心”煤老板,让获救的人狠狠地鞭打他们,让他们也尝尝生不如死的滋味。同时,希望国家能够严厉打击贩卖人口的交易,严惩人贩子,以彻底杜绝此类事情的发生。   就让我们和孩子一起来感受爱,珍惜爱。 读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》后有感2   这本书真实地再现了19世纪在美国南方的奴隶主压迫和折磨下的黑奴们的悲惨生活。故事中烈格雷(汤姆的第三个主人)是个凶狠毒辣、专横跋扈,肆意践踏奴隶的尊严的人。汤姆叔叔为了让同伴成功逃亡,宁死不出卖她们,就被烈格雷的暴打下死了!不过烈格雷最终也没有好下场,真是应了一句话“好人有好报,坏人有坏报”啊!   汤姆叔叔的'前两个主人对汤姆很好,可是都不幸去世了!我从这本书中认识了几个人物有:可爱的伊娃,圣克莱尔先生等人。其中郝利(奴隶贩子)是个拆散家庭的人,真是罪不可涉。   我很同情书中的一些奴隶们如:露西的孩子被人卖掉,使她绝望的跳了河;爱米琳不得不离开母亲,忍受了各种耻辱;可怜的露西被迫离开丈夫,给烈格雷当奴隶,常常受到烈格雷的鞭打和责骂……其中汤姆叔叔说了一句话令我记忆深刻,这句话是“我的身体属于你,可我的灵魂不是你的,金钱根本买不到,因为它只属于有能量保护它的主人”。   这篇文章令我受益非浅,这使我知道了:做人要向汤姆叔叔学习,学习他的诚信、忠厚的精神,如果也遇到了困难的人,我们要平等对待他人,让世界充满爱。

