如何评价 Cocteau Twins
周六对你而言的意义是什么看是不用上班上课,可以睡到日上三竿再慵懒起床的非工作日看还是可以呼朋引伴到郊外赏花踏青的出游日看对来自法国Antibes的乐团M83主脑Anthony Gonzalez来说,每个礼拜六就如同他美好的青少年时期,是到处都充满著新鲜事物的惊喜年代,也是他开始参与舞曲派对与制作音乐的启蒙阶段,他期待在每个周六再度回到那依然是青少年的怀旧记忆里,享受著这片刻的尘封回忆,於是他把所有的美好全写进这张新专辑《Saturdays=Youth》中。
为了呈现青少年时期的美好时光,崇拜八十年代经典团体Tears For Fears以及 Cocteau Twins的Anthony,在这张新专辑《Saturdays=Youth》中,特地改变了前两张专辑《Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts》与《Before the Dawn Heals Us》中,大量使用电子声响与重型摇滚架构的音乐模式,请来Ken Thomas ( Sigur Rós、Cocteau Twins) 以及 Ewan Pearson (Tracey Thorn、The Rapture&Ladytron)担当专辑制作人,做出一张具有八十年代怀旧气息的作品,同时也找来声音具有八零年代特质的Romanovs乐团主音Morgan Kibby担当Vocal,来完整呈现出生命中那一段不能被遗忘的时光。
从首支长达九分钟的单曲〈Couleurs〉史诗般钜作中就可以感受到本专辑浓厚的复古气息,铺天盖地的厚重贝斯音墙,搭配著工整的迪斯可节拍亦步亦趋慢慢向你逼近,加上中后段突如其来的转换成Elecrto-Funk的节奏,足以在现今各大电音舞场吹起的回归风中大出锋头,而第二支单曲〈Graveyard Girl〉开头流泻而出的轻快吉他旋律,相信必定能勾起许多人的回忆,New Order式阳光般的青春气息,搭配著轻柔梦幻的Vocal,带著你我回到那青涩的少年时期,喜欢这种感觉的歌迷还可以听听〈Kim and Jessie〉以及〈Up!〉,尤其〈Kim and Jessie〉还是M83首度尝试的流行曲式,另外还有如同电影配乐一般的〈Midnight Souls Still Remain〉,必定能带给你身心灵上的宁静,当然还有超梦幻的〈Highway Of Endless Dreams〉,这些作品都适合给M83的乐迷们体会另一种情境的M83氛围。
如何评价 Cocteau Twins
周六对你而言的意义是什么?是不用上班上课,可以睡到日上三竿再慵懒起床的非工作日?还是可以呼朋引伴到郊外赏花踏青的出游日?对来自法国Antibes的乐团M83主脑Anthony Gonzalez来说,每个礼拜六就如同他美好的青少年时期,是到处都充满著新鲜事物的惊喜年代,也是他开始参与舞曲派对与制作音乐的启蒙阶段,他期待在每个周六再度回到那依然是青少年的怀旧记忆里,享受著这片刻的尘封回忆,於是他把所有的美好全写进这张新专辑《Saturdays=Youth》中。
为了呈现青少年时期的美好时光,崇拜八十年代经典团体Tears For Fears以及 Cocteau Twins的Anthony,在这张新专辑《Saturdays=Youth》中,特地改变了前两张专辑《Dead Cities, Red Seas Lost Ghosts》与《Before the Dawn Heals Us》中,大量使用电子声响与重型摇滚架构的音乐模式,请来Ken Thomas ( Sigur Rós、Cocteau Twins) 以及 Ewan Pearson (Tracey Thorn、The RaptureLadytron)担当专辑制作人,做出一张具有八十年代怀旧气息的作品,同时也找来声音具有八零年代特质的Romanovs乐团主音Morgan Kibby担当Vocal,来完整呈现出生命中那一段不能被遗忘的时光。
从首支长达九分钟的单曲〈Couleurs〉史诗般钜作中就可以感受到本专辑浓厚的复古气息,铺天盖地的厚重贝斯音墙,搭配著工整的迪斯可节拍亦步亦趋慢慢向你逼近,加上中后段突如其来的转换成Elecrto-Funk的节奏,足以在现今各大电音舞场吹起的回归风中大出锋头,而第二支单曲〈Graveyard Girl〉开头流泻而出的轻快吉他旋律,相信必定能勾起许多人的回忆,New Order式阳光般的青春气息,搭配著轻柔梦幻的Vocal,带著你我回到那青涩的少年时期,喜欢这种感觉的歌迷还可以听听〈Kim and Jessie〉以及〈Up!〉,尤其〈Kim and Jessie〉还是M83首度尝试的流行曲式,另外还有如同电影配乐一般的〈Midnight Souls Still Remain〉,必定能带给你身心灵上的宁静,当然还有超梦幻的〈Highway Of Endless Dreams〉,这些作品都适合给M83的乐迷们体会另一种情境的M83氛围。
Chvrches(读作“churches”)是一个苏格兰电子流行音乐乐队,成立于2011年。 乐队成员包括劳伦.梅伯莉Lauren Mayberry (主音与偶尔和音, 取样员,偶尔使用合成器),伊恩.库克Iain Cook (和音, 吉他, 贝斯, 合成器),和马丁.多尔蒂Martin Doherty (和音与偶尔主唱,合成器, 取样员)。他们的音乐风格主要受Prince, Tubeway Army, Robyn, Laurie Anderson, Depeche Mode, Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins, Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston and Elliott Smith.的影响。读音:车chei次(美) 车次(英)
求Cocteau Twins的《Bluebeard》 中文歌词大意
歌手:Cocteau Twins
专辑:Four-Calendar Cafe
Bluebeard - cocteautwins
Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend?
Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend?
Aliveness (It may be diverting)
Exploration (For some part of him)
Fulfillment (It may be diverting)
Creativity (For some part of him)
Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend?
Or are you toxic for me?
Will you betray my confidence?
Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend?
Or are you toxic for me?
Will you betray my confidence?
Naming things is empowering
I balance, walk, and coordinate myself, alive
Aliveness energy
Healthy dependence
(Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend? )
And healthy independence
(Or are you toxic for me?
Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )
And healthy assurances
(Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend? )
This loves a nameless dream
(Or are you toxic for me?
Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )
And healthy boundaries
(Are you the right man for me?
Are you safe? are you my friend? )
And how long would you miss me
(Or are you toxic for me?
Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )
Cocteau Twins的《Bluebeard》 歌词
歌曲名:Bluebeard歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Four-Calendar CafeBluebeard - cocteautwinsAlivenessExplorationAlivenessEnergyAre you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Aliveness (It may be diverting)Exploration (For some part of him)Fulfillment (It may be diverting)Creativity (For some part of him)Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Or are you toxic for me?Will you betray my confidence?Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Or are you toxic for me?Will you betray my confidence?Naming things is empoweringI balance, walk, and coordinate myself, aliveAliveness energyHealthy dependence(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )And healthy independence(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )And healthy assurances(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )This loves a nameless dream(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )And healthy boundaries(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )And how long would you miss me(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )http://music.baidu.com/song/8579145
Cocteau Twins是支来自苏格兰的三人乐团。这群前卫音乐家们创造出了梦幻一般的奇异音乐。迷朦的气氛下优美夹着伤感,又流露出强烈的浪漫气息。主创Robin Guthrie运用大量吉他噪音、延迟、回声、变形、电琴弓以及鼓机等手段营造出阴冷颓唐的旋律,再加上女主唱Elizabeth Fraser独一无二的、变幻莫测的、激情与技巧结合的声线使他们成为另类音乐界最美的声音。
Cocteau Twins的《Bluebeard》 歌词
歌曲名:Bluebeard歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Lullabies to Violaine, Vol. 2Bluebeard - cocteautwinsAlivenessExplorationAlivenessEnergyAre you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Aliveness (It may be diverting)Exploration (For some part of him)Fulfillment (It may be diverting)Creativity (For some part of him)Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Or are you toxic for me?Will you betray my confidence?Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend?Or are you toxic for me?Will you betray my confidence?Naming things is empoweringI balance, walk, and coordinate myself, aliveAliveness energyHealthy dependence(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )And healthy independence(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )And healthy assurances(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )This loves a nameless dream(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )And healthy boundaries(Are you the right man for me?Are you safe? are you my friend? )And how long would you miss me(Or are you toxic for me?Will you mistreat me Or betray all my confidence? )http://music.baidu.com/song/52684500
Cocteau Twins的《Violaine》 歌词
歌曲名:Violaine歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Violaine Ep日本テレビ系「FUN」FUN'S RECOMMEND #33作词:BOUNCEBACK作曲:柳沢英树编曲:家原正树/丸山和范あぁ 美しき人よねぇ なぜに泣くのでしょう?もう 哀しみの花はそっと摘み取りましょう强く 焦がれた爱の後にめぐるヒカリの季节薄红の蕾 信じる限り赤く爱する人だけに 彩ってゆく梦みし春に 恋せよ乙女ひとひらの接吻(くちづけ)を 咲かせましょう桃色の风 あなたを包むその胸に香りゆく ビオラの花 まとってあぁ 恋ゆえの证(あかし)そう こころの痛みも...今は 愿いに凛とひらく白い花びらとなれ清きいとしさは 野に咲く花のままに可怜に揺れながら 刹那を歌う咲き夸る様に 恋せよ乙女頬笑みでその髪を 饰りましょう泡沫(うたかた)の梦 切ないときも空を仰ぐあなたは ビオラの花 丽しい爱する人だけに 彩ってゆく梦みし春に 恋せよ乙女ひとひらの接吻(くちづけ)を 咲かせましょう桃色の风 あなたを包むその胸に香りゆく ビオラの花 まとってhttp://music.baidu.com/song/519393
Cocteau Twins的《Violaine》 歌词
歌曲名:Violaine歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Otherness Ep日本テレビ系「FUN」FUN'S RECOMMEND #33作词:BOUNCEBACK作曲:柳沢英树编曲:家原正树/丸山和范あぁ 美しき人よねぇ なぜに泣くのでしょう?もう 哀しみの花はそっと摘み取りましょう强く 焦がれた爱の後にめぐるヒカリの季节薄红の蕾 信じる限り赤く爱する人だけに 彩ってゆく梦みし春に 恋せよ乙女ひとひらの接吻(くちづけ)を 咲かせましょう桃色の风 あなたを包むその胸に香りゆく ビオラの花 まとってあぁ 恋ゆえの证(あかし)そう こころの痛みも...今は 愿いに凛とひらく白い花びらとなれ清きいとしさは 野に咲く花のままに可怜に揺れながら 刹那を歌う咲き夸る様に 恋せよ乙女頬笑みでその髪を 饰りましょう泡沫(うたかた)の梦 切ないときも空を仰ぐあなたは ビオラの花 丽しい爱する人だけに 彩ってゆく梦みし春に 恋せよ乙女ひとひらの接吻(くちづけ)を 咲かせましょう桃色の风 あなたを包むその胸に香りゆく ビオラの花 まとってhttp://music.baidu.com/song/520010
Break My Heart-Blue
You break my heart, you break my heart
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
You break my heart, you break my heart
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
I know we’re not together
I know we grew apart
But I can’t ignore this feeling
It’s like a tattoo on my heart
And I can’t stop thinking about you
Love up with somebody else
It’s too much, every night in bed
And I can’t quit thinking about you
If ain’t doing the things that we did doesn’t make you feel safe
‘Cause you with him
Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong
‘Cause you with him
Hurts so bad, now my love is gone
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
A painter bought our picture
And he diss off you away
If you’re confused I’m doing better
What the hell am I meant to say?
And I can’t stop thinking about you
Love up with somebody else
It’s too much, every night in bed
And I can’t quit thinking about you
If ain’t doing the things that we did doesn’t make you feel safe
‘Cause you with him
Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong
‘Cause you with him
Hurts so bad, now my love is gone
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
Every time I think about it
I get that extra tack
But I know that I gotta reset
Nothing I do or say will bring you back
And I can leave the door wide open
Hopin one day you walk right through
But I can stand a second right now
Thinking you enjoy him fucking you
He’s fucking you, he’s fucking you
‘Cause you with him
Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong
‘Cause you with him
Hurts so bad, now my love is gone
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart
So why you wanna?
You break my heart, you break my heart heart
Cocteau Twins的《garlands》 歌词
歌曲名:garlands歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:garlandsGarlands evergreenForget-me-not wreathsChaplets see me druggedI could die in a rosaryDie in a rosary (x4)Well, with these brave garlandsThey never find out for herThey never find I'm lyingCocteau TwinsWell, with these etchingsCravings convinceMy cravings commenceGarlands evergreenForget-me-not wreathsChaplets see me druggedI could die in a rosaryDie in a rosary (x4)Well, with these scarve's scarsCravings convinceMy cravings commenceI'm all that to youI'm all that's whoGarlands evergreenForget-me-not wreathsChaplets see me druggedI could die in a rosaryDie in a rosary (x4)Well, with these scarve's scarsCravings convinceMy cravings commenceWell, with these splint's scarsI'm all that to youI'm all that's whohttp://music.baidu.com/song/14505775
Cocteau Twins的《Evangeline》 歌词
歌曲名:Evangeline歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Four-Calendar CafeSorrow -for letting someone elseDefine you know who you are at every ageWhat impression am i making?I see me as other people see meThere is no going backI can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI had to fantasizeI was a princess, mum and dad were queen and kingI ought to have what feeling?I see me as other people see meThere is no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowFeeling nowThere is no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI had to fantasizeJust to surviveI was a famous artist everybody took me seriouslyEven those who didNever understood meI had to fantasize just to survivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8579144
Cocteau Twins的《Evangeline》 歌词
歌曲名:Evangeline歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Lullabies to Violaine, Vol. 2Sorrow -for letting someone elseDefine you know who you are at every ageWhat impression am i making?I see me as other people see meThere is no going backI can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI had to fantasizeI was a princess, mum and dad were queen and kingI ought to have what feeling?I see me as other people see meThere is no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowFeeling nowThere is no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI am not the same, i\'m growing up againI am not the same, i\'m growing up againThere\'s no going back, i can\'t stop feeling nowI had to fantasizeJust to surviveI was a famous artist everybody took me seriouslyEven those who didNever understood meI had to fantasize just to survivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52685215
Rilkean Heart 歌词
歌曲名:Rilkean Heart歌手:Cocteau Twins专辑:Twinlights EpRilkean Heartcocteau twinsRilkean heart,I looked for you, To giveme transcendentexperiencesTo transport me out ofself and aloneness, andalienationinto a sense ofoneness And con-nection, ecstatic andmagical. Ibecame a junkie for it.I came lookingfor the next high and I'msorry I've beenputting the search on the wrong placeI understand that you're confused,feeling overwhelmedWell that's a feeling state from then,the realitybecoming trulyself-reliant andbecoming connected withsomething beyond me andthat is where ihave to go, I'm sosorry i've beenputting the search on the wrong place.You're lost and don't know what to do.But that's not all of youThat's your reality today,and that is all okay.http://music.baidu.com/song/519504